LGSA Marine is an independent company of marine surveyors, cargo surveyors, engineers and consultants providing a comprehensive range of services to the insurance, maritime, shipping, risk management, transport and energy industries.
Our origins date back to 1857 with the establishing of The Liverpool and Glasgow Salvage Association by a committee of shipowners, merchants and Underwriters. In 2000 The Liverpool & Glasgow Salvage Association merged with Perfect, Lambert & Co. to become LGSA Marine.
LGSA Marine is the trading name for The Liverpool & Glasgow Association For the Protection of Commercial Interests As Respects Wrecked & Damaged Property Limited. The original corporate structure has been maintained and LGSA Marine now operates as a not-for-profit limited company incorporated by guarantee and managed by a Committee drawn from the shipping and insurance industries.
With no shareholders or partners to consider, operating surpluses are reinvested back into the business to continually improve the service LGSA Marine gives to its customers.
LGSA Marine operates a quality management system to BS EN ISO9001:2015 which is independently audited by Lloyd’s Register.
Please send your application in confidence to:
The Company Secretary
LGSA Marine
Shipwright House
Queens Dock Commercial Centre
67-83 Norfolk Street
L1 0BG
LGSA Marine can trace its history back to 1857 with the founding of The Liverpool Salvage Association by a committee comprising of shipowners, merchants and Underwriters. Famous names such as Holt, Brocklebank and Papayanni were included in the list of founders. Their objective was ‘to promote dispatch and economy in the salving of ships and their cargos’. The Committee employed experts who were expected to travel across the globe to reach casualties and protect the interests of those concerned.
The Liverpool Salvage Association was using diving equipment for salvage activities by 1866 and in 1873 the first of a series of salvage vessels was purchased. The Association was incorporated in 1881. In 1924 The Liverpool Salvage Association established a local committee in Glasgow and became The Liverpool & Glasgow Salvage Association. This local arrangement ceased after the Second World War and since that time the Committee has been based in Liverpool.
The Liverpool & Glasgow Salvage Association, which was appointed Lloyd’s Agents in 1891, built up an unrivalled international reputation in salvage, marine surveying and consultancy throughout this time. Salvaging activities were suspended in 1968 as international trading conditions changed and improved navigational aids made this type of activity uneconomical.
Marine surveying and consultancy has continued to be the focus of The Liverpool & Glasgow Salvage Association. In 2000 The Liverpool & Glasgow Salvage Association acquired Perfect, Lambert & Co. Perfect, Lambert & Co were founded in 1890 and grew to become a leading company specialising in surveying and consultancy services to carriers and insurers relating to the carriage of dry, liquid, refrigerated and containerised cargos.
The complementary skills of The Liverpool & Glasgow Salvage Association and Perfect, Lambert & Co were brought together in a new company - LGSA Marine. The clients of both companies still enjoy the same personal service which is now backed by even greater resources and expertise, together with the benefits of a network of offices throughout the UK and extensive international contacts.
LGSA Marine has emerged into the 21st century as a leading international marine surveying and consultancy service. LGSA Marine continues to offer its clients a comprehensive service whilst maintaining high professional standards with a team of multi-skilled staff surveyors.
LGSA Marine was appointed as Lloyd’s Agents in 1891. Since then, LGSA Marine has grown to be the largest Lloyd’s Agents in the UK.
The Lloyd’s Agency Network provides 24 hour, year round independent marine surveying and claims adjusting services to the global insurance industry and its customers. With 330 Lloyd's Agents world-wide and a similar number of Lloyd's sub-Agents, the Lloyd's Agency network forms the world's most extensive surveying and adjusting network.
LGSA Marine Liverpool is Lloyd’s Agents for the North West of England & North-Mid Wales and LGSA Marine Bristol are the Lloyd’s Agents for the South West of England and South Wales.
The primary role of the Lloyd's Agency Network is to provide a high quality surveying and adjusting service for the Lloyd's marine insurance market. Today many underwriters and their assureds throughout the world utilise the services of Lloyd's Agents and evidence of this is usually reflected in the wording of cargo insurance certificates which often incorporate the clause: 'In the event of loss or damage which may result in a claim under this insurance, immediate notice should be given to the Lloyd's Agent at the port or place where the loss or damage is discovered, in order that he may examine the goods and issue a survey report.